I spoke with Senator Inhofe's Office
I just hung up from a very nice discussion with a woman in Senator Inhofe's office. I explained to her that I was calling regarding yesterday's comments from Mr. Somerville on my blog. I told her how I picked out Senator Inhofe for the calling campaign*. This person was very nice and interested in what I had to say. I read her the comments and she asked me who Mr. Somerville was. I explained who he was. She assured me that Senator Inhofe's policy on calls was to log in the issue and tally the for and against calls. She said that two people had that responsibility in the office and that she was one of them. I asked her if it would be fair to categorize that the office was receiving a fair number of calls on both sides of the issue and she said yes. So there you have it folks. Our calls do count and they are being received. I had explained about how I was working on the issue with the blog and she asked for the url. I shared this url and and the one for HR 3753/ S 1691-Homeschool NonDiscrimination Act 2005 with her. I explained to her the diversity of the opinions that I linked to from this blog and I thought it reflected how HSLDA does not speak for all homeschoolers. She assured me that she would speak with the Senator about our conversation. I left the conversation feeling good about our work on this bill. Let's keep those calls and emails going.
*Some letters Sentator Inhofe had written to constituents responding to their opposition to the bill had left those constituents feeling like their views weren't being heard. Another way to put it would be that they felt like the Senator was taking the opinion of The National Center for Home Education over the opinions of his constituency. This came out in the discussion on homeschool blogs, email lists and yahoo groups late last week. So I suggested over at the HR 3753/ S 1691-Homeschool NonDiscrimination Act 2005 that we call Senator Inhofe's office and someone out in blog land picked Monday.
Glad you had the longer conversation.
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